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EN IEC 60034-23 pdf free download

EN IEC 60034-23 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines – Part 23: Repair, overhaul and reclamation.
4.3 Special applications
For rail and road traction motors, IEC 60349-1 is used by the manufacturers of these machines. The service centre should also use the information in IEC 60349-1 to ensure the quality of their repair, in conjunction with the IEC 60034-23 repair standard.
4.4 Efficiency
Where machines have been designed to meet Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), as in the IEC 60034-30-1 efficiency classes and IEC TS 60034-30-2, they might be subject to legal requirements to maintain efficiency levels. The designs might have been verified by third party testing with declared minimum efficiencies shown on the nameplate. It is important to follow when repairing or rewinding all machines to ensure no degradation of performance.
Current energy efficient motors have to be within a set tolerance of their rated efficiency label. Any repair workshop, manufacturer’s or independent service centre, with a good quality control system, using modern materials and using this standard, can maintain or improve the efficiency of a machine within the original efficiency tolerances that the machine was designed to meet.
4.5 System efficiencies
If a motor has already been updated to an energy efficient machine, then a repair is often the most environmentally friendly solution to extend the life of the machine, and maintain its rated efficiency. During the course of a machine evaluation the decision to repair or replace should be considered.
This is often the best time to calculate whether replacement with a new, more efficient machine would be cost effective. This varies greatly with the number of hours the machine is used and requires careful specialist consideration. As an example, unregulated pumps, fans, and compressors might use more energy, depending on how much they are used, due to less slip and the higher speeds of energy efficient motors. The application might be suitable for use with a converter to overcome this problem, or the impeller could be re-profiled. Many machines are also special due to limitations of size, fit, duty, speed, torque, etc. Consideration should also be given to the possible lower downtime and lower carbon footprint of a repair and re-use.
Electric motors are generally very efficient and reliable converters of energy. The majority of wasted energy and energy losses are often caused in other areas of the driven system such as pumps, piping design, gearboxes, fans and fan ducting, compressors, wiring, transmission etc. All of these items should be looked at as a complete system when looking for energy savings.
4.6 Environment and End of life recycling
Environmentally there are many advantages in a service centre handling a machine at, or close to, the end of its life and environmentally disposing of replaced machines to remove them from the system. Where hazardous substances (such as asbestos, PCB, lead, etc.) are identified, suitable measures shall be adopted using best practice to meet legislative requirements on their removal and disposal.
a) Root cause failure analysis of a failed machine can identify problems of overloading, contamination, misalignment, faulty power supply, incorrect application, design or contractual limitations, etc., and significantly increase the service life of the repaired machine, or any new replacement.
b) The feasibility of whether a machine should be repaired or replaced can be calculated by a service facility taking into account its actual usage, power usage, cost of repair, cost of replacement, and payback period.EN IEC 60034-23  pdf download.

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