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EN IEC 60966-1 pdf free download

EN IEC 60966-1 pdf free download.Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies – Part 1: Generic specification – General requirements and test methods.
Keep variations in ambient temperature and humidity to a minimum during a series of measurements.
Where it is impracticable to carry out tests under the standard atmospheric conditions for testing, a note to this effect, stating the actual conditions of tests, shall be added to the test report.
7.2 Visual inspection
The specimen shall be visually examined to ensure that:
a) the condition, workmanship and finish are satisfactory;
b) the marking is in accordance with 5.2 of this document;
C) there is no mechanical damage, undesired movement or displacement of parts;
d) no pitting or flaking of materials or finishes is apparent.
Examination may generally be carried out using an instrument with up to three times magnification.
7.3 Dimensions inspection
7.3.1 Interface dimensions
The interface dimensions shall be tested for compliance with the relevant detail specification with the appropriate test equipment.
Where connectors conforming to lEO 61169 sectional and detail specifications are used, inspection of interface dimensions may be limited to those features likely to vary as a result of incorrect assembly, for example the axial dimensions from reference plane to dielectric, and to inner contact features.
Where other connectors are used or where special requirements exist, details shall be given in the relevant detail specification.
7.3.2 Outline dimensions
Outline dimensions shall be measured according to the sketches of IEC 60966-2 (all parts), IEC 60966-3 (all parts) or lEG 60966-4 (all parts) as relevant.
Any special requirements for the measurement of cable assembly outline dimensions shall be given in the relevant detail specification.
8.1.2 Test equipment
A vector network analyzer (VNA) capable of performing s-parameter measurements using
calibration standards (open, short, load) that enables the RF performance of radio frequency
(RF) and microwave devices to be characterized in terms of network scattering parameters or
S parameters.
The return loss of the cords under test shall be measured with the VNA over the specified range of interest.
A detailed description of the error correction (calibration) procedure is given in the manual of the VNA.
Precision test adaptors (or test leads) with small inherent reflections shall be fitted on both ends of the cord under test to allow direct connection to the VNA and terminating load.
8.1.3 Procedure
For the measurement of the reflection characteristics of cable assemblies, special care shall be given to the following:
• ensure that the sweep speed is slow enough for the reflected signal to remain in the centre of the IF-filter of the receiver system. The longer the cable, the slower the sweep speed that shall be chosen;
• cable assemblies might have narrow return loss spikes. For continuous network analysersystems, the sweep rate shall be low enough and for digital network analyser-systems, the number of measurement points shall be high enough for resolving eventual return loss spikes.
8.4 Insertion loss stability
8.4.1 Object
To determine the change of attenuation at a given frequency when the cable assembly is
subjected to dynamic bending.
8.4.2 Procedure
During insertion loss measurement according to 8.3, the cable is wound on a mandrel of radius equal to the dynamic bending radius and using the number of turns indicated in the relevant detail specification.
8.4.3 Requirements
During and after the test, the specified change of insertion loss given in the relevant detail specification shall not be exceeded.EN IEC 60966-1 pdf free download.

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