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EN IEC 62474 pdf free download

EN IEC 62474 pdf free download.Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry.
A composition declaration provides substance data at a material and/or product part and/or product level. This data can also be used to verify compliance of a product.
For simplicity, not all of the mandatory requirements are displayed in the diagrams (e.g. mass or mass percent information or mandatory declaration of certain product parts or materials in the composition declaration when the reporting threshold level refers to such product parts or materials and the reporting threshold level is exceeded) (see 4.5 for details).
The developer’s table within the lEG 62474 database contains a full description of mandatory and optional requirements. Annex A provides an informative reference for mandatory and optional information. However, if there is a discrepancy between the lEG 62474 database and Annex A, the lEG 62474 database shall take precedence.
4.1.2 Conformity to the IEC 62474 standard
For a material declaration to conform to the lEG 62474 standard, it shall utilize the IEC 62474 database consisting of the DSL, material class list and the data exchange format and meet the requirements specified in this document. The material declaration shall specify the declarable substance list authority as “1EC62474” and the list identity and list version as specified within the IEC 62474 database.
This document enables the declaration against other lists, If a list contains, at minimum, the lEG 62474 DSL, utilizes the IEC 62474 data exchange format, and meets the requirements specified in the standard, it is in conformity with the standard. If other lists are used, they shall contain a list authority, list identity and list version and should be based on industry standard requirements. If a list does not contain at minimum the IEC 62474 DSL, it is not in conformity with this document.
4.1.3 General requirements
a) In the case where the requester requests more than the mandatory requirements of a material declaration as specified in this document and the IEC 62474 database, the contracting parties should agree to details, such as safeguards protecting supplier trade secrets at the request of the supplier.
b) The International System of Units (SI) shall be used.
4.2 Business Information
Business information shall include company information, contact information and date, as well as other data specified in the data exchange format in the IEC 62474 database. The transfer of material declaration information uses either the distribution mode, where only the responder’s business information shall be provided or the requester/responder mode, where both the requester’s and the responder’s business information shall be provided.
4.3 Product information
The following requirements shall apply to products:
a) A declaration for compliance or a composition declaration shall be provided for a product or product family.
NOTE 1 Only the supplier is likely to know the appropriate product family groupings for material declaration
purposes based on their technical knowledge of product material content.
b) The product shall have an identification and a mass assigned. In the case of a product family, the identification and mass of each product within the product family shall be specified.
NOTE 2 When each product in the product family has the same mass, it is sufficient to provide this mass just
c) If a product contains a DS or DSG substance(s) that:
— has a reporting threshold level based on ‘article’,
— is present at or above the reporting threshold level for a reportable application, and
— is within the declaration of the product,
then the product shall be identified as an article.
4.4 Declaration for compliance requirements
4.4.1 General information
A declaration for compliance provides information about the presence or absence of DSs and DSGs as listed in the DSL for a product. Each DS and DSG entry within the DSL requires a positive (“true”) or negative (“false”) response. This information allows the requester to assess their product compliance with substance regulations and market needs at a product level.
4.4.2 DSs and DSGs with mandatory reporting requirements
DSs or DSGs with a mandatory reporting requirement in the IEC 62474 DSL shall be reported. When reporting DSs or DSGs with a mandatory reporting requirement, the following requirements apply:
a) The DSs and DSGs listed in the lEG 62474 DSL shall be assigned to the product.
b) Each such DS and DSG shall be named as given in the lEG 62474 DSL and shall include the reportable application and the reporting threshold level. The DSL entry identity associated with the OS or DSG entry in the DSL should be declared. Other identity(s) such as the GAS Registry Number may also be declared.EN IEC 62474 pdf download.

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