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IEC 62541-10 pdf free download

IEC 62541-10 pdf free download.OPC Unified Architecture一Part 10: Programs.
Program Control Methods can include arguments that are used by the Program. For example, a Start Method may include an options argument that specifies dynamic options used to determine some program behaviour. The arguments can differ on each ProgramType. The Method Call service specified in IEC 62541-4:2015, 5.11 defines a return status. This return status indicates the success of the Program Control Method or a reason for its failure.
4.2.8 Program state transition effects
A Program’s state transition generally has a cause and also yields an effect. The effect is a by product of a Program state transition that can be used by a Client to monitor the progress of the Program. Effects can be internal or external. An external effect of a state transition is the generation of an Event notification. Each Program state transition is associated with a unique Event. These Events reflect the progression and trajectory of the Program through its set of defined states. The internal effects of a state transition can be the performance of some programmatic action such as the generation of data.
4.2.9 Program result data Overview
Result data is generated by a running Program. The result data can be intermediate or final. Result data may be associated with specific Program state transitions. Intermediate result data
Intermediate result data is transient and is generated by the Program in conjunction with non- terminal state transitions. The data items that compose the intermediate results are defined in association with specific Program state transitions. Their values are relevant only at the transition level.
Each Program state transition can be associated with different result data items. Alternately, a set of transitions can share a result data item. Percentage complete is an example of intermediate result data. The value of percentage complete is produced when the state transition occurs and is available to the Client.
Clients acquire intermediate result data by subscribing to Program state transition Events.
The Events specify the data items for each transition. When the transition occurs, the
generated Event conveys the result data values captured to the subscribed Clients. If no
Client is monitoring the Program, intermediate result data may be discarded. Terminal result data
Terminal result data is the final data generated by the Program as it ceases execution. Total execution time, number of widgets produced, and fault condition encountered are examples of terminal result data. When the Program enters the terminal state, this result data can be conveyed to the client by the transition Event. Terminal result data is also available within the Program to be read by a Client after the program stops. This data persists until the Program Instance is rerun or deleted. Monitoring Programs
Clients can monitor the activities associated with a Program’s execution. These activities include the invocation of the management Methods, the generation of result data, and the progression of the Program through its states. Audit Events are provided for Method Calls and state transitions. These Events allow a record to be maintained of the Clients that interacted with any Program and the Program state transitions that resulted from that interaction.
4.2.10 Program lifetime Overview
Programs can have different lifetimes. Some Programs may always be present on a Server while others are created and removed. Creation and removal can be controlled by a Client or may be restricted to local means.IEC 62541-10 pdf download.

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