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IEC 62911 pdf free download

IEC 62911 pdf free download.Audio, video and information technology equipment – Routine electrical safety testing in production.
5 RoutIne electrical safety tests
5.1 Resistance of protective bonding system
For class I equipment, the continuity of the protective bonding system shall be checked between the protective earth contact of the mains plug or appliance inlet, or the protective earthing terminal in case of a permanently connected equipment, and
— the accessible conductive parts that need to be connected to the protective earthing terminal for compliance with the requirements of the standard, and
— the protective earth contact of the socket-outlets respectively, if provided to deliver mains power to other equipment.
NOTE 1 Functional earth is not considered a part of the protective bonding system and as a consequence, it does not need to be tested.
The minimum test current is 150 % of the rating of the overcurrent device protecting the protective bonding conductor (the protective current rating), but not less than 10 A and not more than 25 A (a.c. or d.c.), applied for any duration between I s and 4 s. The source shall have a no-load voltage not exceeding 12 V.
The resistance, calculated from the voltage drop, shall not exceed 0,1 Xl.
It is permitted to include the power cord (if any) in the resistance measurement and, if the result exceeds 0, 1 Xl, to subtract the resistance of the protective earthing conductor of the power cord.
NOTE 2 Ensure that the contact resistance between the tip of the measuring probe and the conductive part under
test does not influence the test result.
5.2 Electric strength test
Routine tests for electric strength shall be carried out between circuits connected to the mains (primary circuits) and accessible conductive parts. For accessible circuits not connected to the mains (secondary circuits), it is permitted to test separately, before final assembly, subassemblies and components, such as transformers, if the relevant insulation cannot be tested in the complete equipment, provided that the complete equipment complies with IEC 60065, IEC 60950-1 or IEC 62368-1 as appropriate.
The insulation of the equipment shall be checked by the following test:
— for equipment supplied by an a.c. mains, an a.c. test voltage of substantially sine-wave form, having mains frequency, or a d.c. test voltage or a combination of both with a peak value as specified in Table I is applied;
— for equipment supplied by a d.c. mains, a d.c. voltage according to Table 2 is applied;
— for equipment supplied by either an a.c. mains or a d.c. mains, the test can be applied at either ac. or d.c., making sure that the test voltage is the equivalent of the highest of the two required test voltages as given in the above two dashes.
The test voltages given are the minimum test voltages to be applied. Higher voltages are allowed at the discretion of the manufacturer provided the insulation is not damaged due to overstress by the voltage applied.
NOTE I Applying an electrical strength test voltage that is too high can result in deterioration or partial damage of the insulation.The test voltage is applied between the supply terminals connected together and — terminals regarded as accessible, and IEC 62911 pdf download.

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