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IEC 62941 pdf free download

IEC 62941 pdf free download.Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Quality system for PV module manufacturing.
4.2 Monitoring and measuring resources
4.2.1 Control of monitoring and measuring equipment
Monitoring and measurement equipment referenced in the control plan shall be characterized by measurement system analysis to understand gauge capabilities (repeatability and reproducibility).
Software shall be considered an integral part of monitoring and measuring equipment and shall be appropriately controlled and validated. For changes that affect configuration, including software, the organization shall revalidate monitoring and measurement equipment.
For monitoring and measurement equipment determined to be out of tolerance at the time of calibration, corrective actions shall be taken to determine impact to the product and documented per 4.1.
4.2.2 Control of performance rating (IV) measurement equipment
For the equipment used to measure the power performance of the module, the organization shall maintain a control program compliant to lEO 60891 and IEC 60904 series of standards. Records of compliance shall be maintained.
Solar simulators shall be initially qualified according to IEC 60904-9 and shall include characterization of spectrum quality, uniformity of irradiance, and temporal instability of irradiance. Solar simulator manufacturer’s data may be used to initially validate that the solar simulator meets the requirements of the organization.
Solar simulators and the methodology used for performance rating shall have an initial estimate of the uncertainty according to ISOIIEC Guide 98-3. The uncertainty analysis shall be re-evaluated at least annually. When any critical change is found in measurement uncertainty, root cause analysis shall be made prior to taking a corrective action. This information shall be recorded and maintained.
Solar simulators with a BBB rating or better are suggested for performance rating of modules, but the simulator requirement may vary with the solar cell technology, the geometry of the module, the match between the reference module and the test modules, and the power measurement uncertainty if it is indicated on the product literature.
The organization shall retain all calibration documents including the reference device calibration certificate, or a report that can be traceable to international or national measurement standards. This information shall be traceable for each module manufactured and made available to customers upon request.
4.3 Control of documented information
Records related to design, qualification, engineering changes, monitoring, and measurement of manufacturing processes and products, final testing, and customer details that are necessary to secure the warranty condition and that are defined by the organization, shall be retained for at least the warranty period.
5 Operation
5.1 Operational planning and control
In planning product realization, the organization shall also determine the following, as appropriate:
a) Product certification requirements.
b) Design lifetime aligned with the stated warranty under specific conditions and a documented method to ensure compliance to stated warranty by a combination of product reliability and after-sales services.
C) Recycling requirements at the end of the modules’ lifetime.
d) Quality assurance and control measures to be applied to production to meet requirements of the applicable PV standards.
e) ESD safe environmental area.
The organization shall identify the ESD sensitive materials and components and shall determine an ESD safe environmental area and maintain an ESD safe environment at the raw material storage, processing, assembly areas, and all through packaging and shipping.
ESD requirements should consider ANSI/ESD S20.20, or equivalent standards.
If ESD protection is sufficient, and it can be determined that the electrostatic potential of the work areas is low, it would not be necessary to create a designated ‘ESD safe environmental area’.
f) Packaging, storage and transportation requirements.
Customer requirements and references to related technical specifications, as applicable, shall be included in the planning of product realization as a component of the quality plan.
NOTE Since the geographies where the modules will be installed may not be identified when they are shipped, the organization is asked to pay best attention to the generic recycling requirements at the end of the modules’ lifetime.
IEC 62941  pdf download.

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