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IEC 63044-6 pdf free download

IEC 63044-6 pdf free download.Home and building electronic systems (HBES) and building automation and control systems (BACS) – Part 6: Requirements for planning and installation.
4 Home/building networks
The home/building networks:
— ensure the distribution of services, such as:
• communication,
— need components such as conduits, boxes, etc. as physical infrastructures for the system.
The implementation of the home/building network goes through the following steps:
— design,
— planning of physical infrastructure,
— installation.
The planning of a common physical infrastructure for HBES/BACS, ICT, and BCT and the supporting power distribution network is advantageous for the following reasons:
— cost optimization through common works,
— optimization of the pathways,
— planning of common installation spaces for interfacing units,
— simplify the planning of spaces for future updates.
Specific requirements for the planning and the installation of a communication services generic cabling infrastructure are given in ISO/IEC 14763-2. Requirements for the HBES/BACS physical infrastructure are given in this document.
HBES/BACS networks can be wired, wireless or a combination of both and require a supporting physical infrastructure. For example, wireless HBES/BACS are composed of the housing of the device, the supporting power network, the positioning of interfacing modules, etc.
5 Home/building network model and general requirements
The design of the home/building network shall consider:
— characteristics of the premises, including surface, type of home/building, physical characteristics;
— required services:
• communication,
• HBES/BACS (see IEC 63044-1 for the complete list of HBES services);
— possible restrictions, in the case of existing buildings (see Annex A).
Figure 1 shows that a star topology is commonly used for ICT and BCT cabling subsystems (according to ISO/lEG 11801-1). The home distributor (HO) is the unit for service delivery to outlets (TO: telecommunication outlets; BO: broadcast outlet). A secondary home distributor (SHD) may be necessary in the case of complex premises (e.g. a home on two floors). HBES/BACS networks may have different topologies: wired (e.g. bus, tree, loop, star and/or combinations thereof), wireless or mixed wired/wireless. However, HD and SHD spaces may be conveniently shared with ICT and BCT networks.
Wireless networks often need some wiring and spaces for housing devices which need infrastructure planning as well. See Clause 6 for infrastructure planning either for wired or wireless networks.
Some installation guidelines for typical HBES/BACS applications are reported in Annex B depending on the applications and clusters of services for HBES/BACS provided in Annex E.
6 Infrastructure requirements
6.1 Infrastructure requirements for wired HBES/BACS
6.1.1 Installation spaces for wired HBES/BACS
According to the home/building network model of Clause 5, a physical infrastructure shall be planned to allow the installation of cables and housing of the equipment.
Since the HBES/BACS may be extended to the whole building and to the outdoor grounds, corresponding installation spaces shall be foreseen.
Six levels of installation spaces are identified, labelled lSl to 1S6 and selected according to the
design specification.
NOTE The selection of installation spaces depends on the complexity of the installation. For example, in a single home installation only 1S2, 1S4, 1S5 and 1S6 are usually needed.
Installation spaces IS1 to 1S6 are intended for fixing cabinets, enclosures and/or boxes, for example according to lEG 60670-1 and containing active and/or passive devices as well as connecting hardware.
Each installation space shall:
— contain boxes with an appropriate fixture for fixing the devices;
— allow mounting of active and passive (modular) devices, with any insulation and separation that may be required;
— facilitate access for maintenance;
— allow foreseeable extensions of the network.
Figure 2 summarises the installation spaces IS1 to 1S6.IEC 63044-6 pdf download.

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