IEC TS 62782 pdf free download
IEC TS 62782 pdf free download.Photovoltaic (PV) modules – Cyclic (dynamic) mechanical load testing.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC TS 61836 apply.
4 Apparatus
The apparatus for this technical specification include:
a) Equipment for performing the cyclic (dynamic) loading: this equipment shall be capable of applying a uniform load of 1 000 Pa ± 100 Pa onto the module surface in both directions to simulate pressure and tensile loads at a rate between 3 and 7 cycles per minute. The prescribed load is of uniform pressure, P, and is most appropriately applied with a pressure of air or vacuum. If a piston system (or other non-uniform application) is used to load the module, the force each piston (or applicators) exert is F = PA/n, where A is the area of the module and n is the number of pistons. To ensure a similar effect to the module, the maximum, perpendicular, center-to-center distance between evenly loaded points shall be 20 cm or less. If one piston consists of multiple loading points this maximum distance refers to both the loading points within and between pistons. The maximum perpendicular distance between the module frame and an evenly loaded point shall also be 20 cm or less.
b) Means for monitoring, throughout the test, the continuity of the internal circuit of each module.
c) Means for monitoring the temperature of the module to an accuracy of ±2,0 °C and repeatability of ±0,5 °C. The temperature sensors shall be attached to the front or back surface of the module near the middle without interfering with the cyclic loading.
d) Infrared (IR) camera and a constant current power supply capable of providing between one and two times the Standard Test Condition (STC) maximum power current of the module in the forward direction. (See future IEC TS 60904-12.)
e) Electroluminescence (EL) equipment and a constant current power supply capable of providing between 0,1 and 1 times the STC short circuit current of the module in the forward direction. (See future IEC TS 60904-13.)
The IR and EL systems do not have to be capable of observing the module while it is under test. These tests can be performed independent of the cyclic (dynamic) load test equipment.
5 Initial measurements
The following measurements shall be performed on the test module before beginning the stress testing.
a) Perform a visual inspection of the module in accordance with IEC 61215-2 MQT 01.
b) Perform the initial module stabilization procedure in accordance with IEC 61215-2 MQT
c) Measure the maximum power performance of the module in accordance with IEC 612 15-2
MQT 02.
d) Perform an insulation test in accordance with IEC 61215-2 MQT 03.
e) Perform a wet leakage current test in accordance with IEC 61215-2 MQT 15.
f) Perform an EL scan of the module using a forward bias current between 0,1 and one times the STC short circuit current to identify cracked cells and other breaks in the cell junction. Note the observed broken cells, interconnects and/or electrical bonds or any additional anomalies observed in the test report (Clause 8k) as identified in future IEC TS 60904-13.IEC TS 62782 pdf download.