IEC TS 63209-1 pdf free download
IEC TS 63209-1 pdf free download.Photovoltaic modules – Extended-stress testing – Part 1: Modules.
4 Selection of test samples
This document describes data collection metnoaology. Samp’e selection, number of samples, and or sample sets are left to the user, based on the purpose of the data collection. The number of samples used in each test may vary between the test sequences and may be selected to emphasize the stresses anticipated in the current application. The confidence in the test results will be greater for a larger number of test samples, and inclusion of multiple samples is encouraged.
5 Characterization and stabilization techniques to be applied
5.1 General
The characterization methods are as described in published standards, such as the IEC 61215 standard series, including the technology-specific portions of these. Baseline characterization shall be completed before application of stress, and repeated after subsequent applications of stress to establish the trend of response to that stress. Additional intermediate tests may be included between application of stresses at the customer’s request. For example, additional characterization may be beneficial after mechanical stress is applied.
5.2 Physical measurement
Physical module measurements shall include weight, length, width, and thickness (depth) of frame. Additionally, the cell dimensions shall be recorded. Photographs of module and example cells shall be recorded.
5.3 Visual inspection
Observations are completed as defined in IEC 61215-2, MQT 01. All observations shall be recorded and reported as part of the final report. Photographs shall be used to document any changes and included in the final report.
For the visual inspection of the backsheet after UV exposure, magnification of lox or greater is recommended using an illumination of at least that specified in IEC 61215-2, MQT 01.
5.4 Initial stabilization
Initial stabilization shall be completed as defined in IEC 61215-2, MQT 19.1. All measurements (as defined in 5.5) shall be recorded after each stabilization step. These data shall be included in the final report.
5.5 Performance
The performance at Standard Test Conditions shall be measured as defined in IEC 61215-2, MQT 06.1. The performance at low-irradiance conditions shall be measured as defined in IEC 61215-2 MQT 07. If the test lab does not have the capability to accurately measure at low irradiance, the low irradiance measurement may be omitted. In both cases, the measurements shall be recorded including V0, 1sc’ Vmp and ‘mp in addition to the maximum power. Performance of bifacial modules shall be characterized using IEC TS 60904-1-2 with Standard Test Conditions applied to both the front side and the back side for initial and final characterizations. Additionally (and for intermediate measurements), bifacial modules shall be characterized under bifacial nameplate irradiance (BNPI) as defined in IEC 61215-1. All measurements shall be included in the final report.
5.6 Insulation test
The insulation shall be tested as defined in IEC 61215-2, MQT 03. The insulation resistance measurement shall be recorded and reported as part of the final report.
5.7 Wet leakage current
The wet leakage current shall be measured as defined in IEC 61215-2, MQT 15. The measured leakage current shall be recorded and reported in the final report.
5.8 Electroluminescent imaging
Electroluminescent imaging shall be completed as defined in IEC TS 60904-13, using both low and high injection levels for the initial characterization for all tests. For the post-stress characterization, the low-injection imaging is optional for test sequences 1-4. The low-injection image is required after the PID stress in test sequence 5. All high-injection images and conditions used for their measurement shall be included in the final report. Low-injection images shall be included in the final report for the PID test sequence 5, but may be omitted for the final report for the other test sequences if they are indistinguishable from the high-injection images.
5.9 Insulation thickness test
For modules being stressed according to sequence 3, the final insulation thickness shall be measured on any polymeric insulation sheets using the procedure described in IEC 61730-2, MST 04. The measured thicknesses shall be reported. No pass-fail criteria are applied.IEC TS 63209-1 pdf download.