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PD IEC TS 62941 pdf free download

PD IEC TS 62941 pdf free download.Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules — Guidelines for increased confidence in PV module design qualification and type approval.
6.2 Planning of product realization
In planning product realization, the organization shall also determine the following, as appropriate:
a) Product certification requirements.
b) Design lifetime aligned with the stated warranty under specific conditions and a documented method to ensure compliance to stated warranty by a combination of product reliability and after-sales services.
C) Recycling requirements at the end of the modules’ lifetime.
d) Quality assurance and control measures to be applied to production to meet requirements of the applicable PV standards.
e) ESD safe environmental area.
The organization shall identify the ESD sensitive materials and components and shall determine an ESD safe environmental area and maintain an ESD safe environment at the raw material storage, processing, assembly areas, and all through packaging and shipping as defined in future IEC TS 62916 or as appropriate.
f) Packaging, storage and transportation requirements.
Customer requirements and references to related technical specifications, as applicable, shall be included in the planning of product realization as a component of the quality plan.
With changing requirements from the market place and with emerging new technology in the PV industry, the development and launch of new products should meet requirements of the product warranty as well as customers’ needs. A complete product life-cycle management process may be required.
The product certification may depend on the application and geographies where the modules will be installed.
The recycling requirements should comply with the geographies where the modules will be installed.
ESD requirement should consider ANSI/ESD S20.20, future IEC TS 62916 or equivalent standard.
6.3 Determination of requirements related to the product
The organization shall determine product warranty workmanship and power degradation and its relationship to design lifetime under specified and intended use conditions.
The organization shall incorporate requirements arising from applicable previous failure information, customer complaints, competitive analysis, supplier feedback, and other internal inputs. The organization shall maintain traceability to these requirements.
The organization shall establish a method for specifying the nameplate power of a module with an allowed tolerance at standard test conditions per IEC 61215, lEG 61646, or IEC 62108 (see 6.9.2 for proper control of solar simulators).
6.4 Review of requirements related to the product
The organization shall ensure that all modified product, not covered by the retest guidelines as defined in future IEC TS 62915, is qualified to all related type designs and that the modified product is evaluated for impact on the warranty.
The organization shall identify and document all limitations on product application.
6.7.3 Manufacturing process design inputs
The organization shall identify, document, and review the manufacturing process design input requirements, including the following:
a) Product design output data.
b) Targets for productivity, process capability and cost.
c) Customers’ requirements, if any, and
d) Lessons learned from previous developments.
The manufacturing process design includes the use of error-proofing methods and statistical process control methods to a degree appropriate to the magnitude of the problems and commensurate with the risks encountered.
6.7.4 Design and development outputs
Design and development outputs shall also include the following:
a) Specify an installation manual for safe and proper installation and use.
b) Include design FMEAs as defined in IEC 60812, or equivalent, which are to be updated during design reviews, and a related design qualification/verification and reliability test plan, and
C) Define characteristics of the product that cannot be fully verified later by non-destructive methods and the designated means to control those characteristics for adequate product performance.PD IEC TS 62941 pdf download.

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